That God will raise our love & devotion & passion for him
Pray specifically for different ministries that you have an interest in or a burden for (missions, youth, choir, men’s...)
Pray that God will raise up spirit-filled leaders.
Pray that God will pour out his spirit and work in people’s hearts (isaiah 32:15-17; 35:6-7)
Pray that God will provide his power & use us to reach the lost.
Pray that the work of the church may be done in his power
Pray that god will take away any strife present in the church Body and bring unity. (john 17)
Pray for your Sunday school teacher.
Pray for your church to be a praying church (Isaia 56:7)
„your prayers are plowing the spiritual soil of your church and preparing the ground for the coming harvest of changed lives.“
To see the wide door for Evangelism.
To rely upon the Holy Spirit and have confidence in the power of the gospel to transform adversaries and overcome difficulties.
To see and feel the pain and suffering of a broken world.
Pray that the chains of bondage will be broken on the lost in our community.
Pray unbelievers will receive His salvation.
To the Lord of the Harvest
Give thanks for a bountiful harvest.
Pray for forgiveness for the lack of labour in the harvest.
Ask God to send out labourers in your harvest area.
Pray for vision in reaping the harvest.
Going Beyond the Walls of the Church
Pray that God will cause our hearts to burn with a desire to share the good news of Christ in our neighborhoods, offices, clubs, and social relationships.
Pray that we would become aware of the opportunities God brings our way on a daily basis to share His good news of salvation.
Pray that we would not fear and be men-pleasers rather than God-pleasers.
Pray that our churches and ministries would honour those who share Christ and minister.
Pray that we would weep over our cities as Christ wept over Jerusalem – and having sown in tears, go forth expecting a harvest.
Laborers for the Harvest – Matthew 9:38
Pray for the harvest, and for its preparation and protection; pray for open hearts and doors (Acts 16:14; Col. 4:2-6).
Pray that we will be ready when the harvest time comes; pray for preparation and unity (2Tim 4:2, Jn 17:20-23).
Pray for workers to be thrust into the harvest; pray for open eyes and willing workers (Mt 9:35-38;Jn 4:35-38).
Pray for revival and renewal within the present church.
Pray for the starting of new churches.