All Nations Church Düsseldorf was founded in 1998, by Bishop Dr. Frank Ofosu-Appiah and has been on an amazing journey ever since. After having pioneered the work in Düsseldorf he put in an able man of God by the name Reverend K.T. Bossman.
In his 3 years of service, many were blessed and his sacrificial work allowed him to be admired and honoured by all. Through his ministry many lives were indeed changed.
After Pastor Bossman was called back to London, Pastor Patrick Badu, came in to continue and fulfill the vision of the ministry. He served in humility and put in his best to ensure the acceleration of the church. His ministry was a blessing to many, and under him Pastor Jesse Morrison Ayomah served.
As God would direct Pastor Jesse was ordained by Dr. Frank Ofosu Appiah in 2008, to take the ministry to the next level. Today we sit here as a result of his obedience to the call of Christ upon his life.
Holding his ladder is a group of motivated leaders offering their allegiance to God and such as to the ministry in order to carry the vision through!!
We have come this far by faith and the favor of God on this ministry, and are on an exciting journey of ‘Changing lives and raising leaders of young people’ thereby enlarging our sphere of influence starting in Düsseldorf and radically spreading as far as our eyes can see!
We are glad to have you join us!!
Why we exist?
Raising disciples is our goal. We want to raise complete committed followers of Jesus Christ.
ANC is a church with a mission to reach the lost. Our emphasis is soul winning and transforming the saved into matured leaders to influence others by way of life.
We envision a multicultural gathering of believers with a passion to exalt the name of Jesus in all we do.
We see ourselves as a relevant church with a radical message of the transformation and empowerment found in Jesus Christ.
We are passionate about restoration, uniting people to God and exposing them to their God-given potential.
We see ourselves as a center of excellence in our communities – restoring, affirming, growing and achieving together.
We want to see believers empowered to achieve their dreams and be influential leaders in their spheres of influence.
We are the E4 Church.
We are followers , Not Fans
Engaging and raising complete committed followers of Jesus Christ
Enriching Lives and raising innovative and transformational leaders.
Equipping them to achieve their God given destinies by releasing their God-given abilities
Enabling them to become influential in their families , businesses and in the world.
One God in three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19; Luke 3:21-22).
The inspiration of the whole Bible as God’s infallible revelation to humanity. (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21).
Jesus Christ’s deity, virgin birth, sinless humanity, substitutionary death, atoning blood, bodily resurrection and ascension to heaven. (Luke 1:26-35, 1Cor 15:3-8)
Salvation by faith in Christ alone, without works, solely by grace. (Ephesians 2:8-9; Hebrews 9:12; Romans 5:11).
The necessity of water baptism order to in the command of Christ. (Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:36-39, 19:1-6).fulfill
The need to live a life that expresses gratitude to God and demonstrates His transforming power through the enablement of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:1-4, Philippians 4:4-8).
The one true Church, the body of Christ, consisting of all believers regardless of race or social standing. (Galatians 3:28-29).
Obedience to our Lord’s command to lead people of all nations to faith and maturity in Him. (Ephesians 4:11-13).
The imminent rapture of the Church and Christ’s personal bodily return to establish His kingdom on earth. (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Revelation 20:6).
The resurrection of the body to eternal glory in heaven for all believers, and to everlasting punishment in hell for all unbelievers. (Hebrews 9:27; Revelation 20:15)